What About the Pets? Pets During Divorce in Illinois

How to decide who gets a pet in a divorce

Pets are an important part of any family. When it comes to divorce, what happens to a beloved pet should not be overlooked. Please note that this article refers specifically to companion animals and not service animals. Service animals will go with the individual who needs the service.  Pet Custody for divorce in Illinois  If […]

How is Child Support Calculated in Illinois? 

How is Child Support Calculated in Illinois

A common concern of people with children in the divorce process is how child support is calculated in Illinois. In Illinois, the court will look at the gross income of both parents. This includes income from all sources, including, but not limited to, the following: However, gross income does not include income from public assistance […]

At What Age Does a Child in Illinois Get to Decide Where They Live?

At What Age Does a Child Get to Decide Where They Live in Illinois?

Parents often wonder at what age their child can decide where they live in Illinois. That answer is eighteen. Before that time, child custody is determined by the family law courts in Illinois. When considering the parenting time schedule for a child, the court must consider the best interests of that child. To determine what […]