How Much Does a Living Trust Cost?

As a family law attorney, many often ask me, “How much does a living trust cost?” They typically ask this because after a divorce, critical changes need to be made to a trust created between spouses as the characterization of the assets in the trust may have changed. Other provisions may not be legally effective […]

What Is So Bad About Probate?

Why is probate so bad?

When a loved one passes, it takes an exceeding toll on family members and friends emotionally. Sadly, these loved ones must initiate legal action with the Court. This ensures the deceased’s assets are distributed through the probate courts if their combined assets exceed a specific value. This threshold is easily met if a loved one […]

Estate Planning 101: Ensure Your Living Trust Effectively Works

Estate Planning 101: Essential Steps to Ensure your Living Trust Effectively Works

If you have a revocable living trust completed, you are already ahead of most Americans. The majority have not taken adequate steps to protect their wealth to ensure their loved ones are provided for in the event they pass away. However, having a signed and notarized revocable living trust is not the only component you […]

Divorce Tips and Tricks

Divorce Tips and tricks from Burgos Santoyo Smith

Our divorce tips and tricks help ensure that you are not exposing yourself to liability that could have lasting effects on your case.