Who claims child on taxes with 50/50 custody?

Who claims a child on taxes with 50/50 custody?

Tax season is rapidly approaching. For parents not filing taxes together, it is always best to speak with your tax advisor about the proper rules and filings. The tax code can be complicated and changes from year to year. However, there are general rules to keep in mind on who claims a child on their […]

Navigating College Expenses as Divorced Parents

College Expenses - who pays when you have divorced parents

The new year is around the corner, and many students or divorced parents are finalizing college applications. The college application process is already tough, but balancing it between two households is even more challenging. Typically, it is best for the children when the parents work together on these issues, but the court may be able […]

How to Travel with Children Internationally While Divorced or Separated

Traveling with Children out of the United States while divorced or separated

Nothing is more rewarding than watching your children explore the world. Having the privilege to travel with your children to other countries not only provides a hands-on education experience but also opens up a world of learning opportunities for your children.  Safely and legally travel with your children internationally even when you are co-parenting. How to […]

Fall Sports and Your Custody

Your Custody and Fall Sports for your kid

The air is cooling, the leaves are swirling, and the jerseys are being distributed! It is Fall Sports time! Some of your most joyous moments will be watching your sons or daughters play the sport they love. In order to make those game and practice times even more enjoyable, take some time to get yourself […]

Labor Day and Child Custody

Labor Day and Child Custody

After an attempt to quell a union strike that resulted in the death of several union workers, President Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a national holiday in an effort to mend the bridge between workers and the government. Over 100 years later, as Summer comes to an end, nothing reminds us that Fall is around […]

Child Custody and the New School Year

Child Custody and the New School Year

It is the bustling time of year when families and children are all getting ready to return to school! From supplies lists and uniforms to backpacks and school fees, families with separate households have additional items to check off the list. We are here to help you navigate child custody as you head into the new […]

At What Age Does a Child in Illinois Get to Decide Where They Live?

At What Age Does a Child Get to Decide Where They Live in Illinois?

Parents often wonder at what age their child can decide where they live in Illinois. That answer is eighteen. Before that time, child custody is determined by the family law courts in Illinois. When considering the parenting time schedule for a child, the court must consider the best interests of that child. To determine what […]

What is Court-Ordered Mediation in Child Custody Cases?

What is Court-Ordered Mediation in Clifornia Child Custody Cases?

Family Court Services Mediation (FCS), Child Custody Recommending Counseling (CCRC), or Confidential Mediation (Tier 1-3) are various terms used by California county courts for required or court-ordered Child Custody Mediation under California Family Code Section 3170. In all cases where initial or modified custody is at issue, the court will send the parents to FCS […]

How to Change Parenting Time in Illinois

Get a modification of child custody in illinois

A child’s needs likely will change as they age. You as a parent may look to change your parenting time in the Illinois Court. In the state of Illinois, a person must present to the court that there is a substantial change in circumstances to request the court modify the existing Judgment for Allocation of […]

How to take a vacation when you share custody

How to travel on vacation when you share custody

In planning any upcoming vacation when you share custody, parents need to check their court orders regarding what they must do to take a vacation with their children. If parents have a good co-parenting relationship with the other parent, then they can communicate the requested vacations with specific details as to where and when. Parents […]