Navigating College Expenses as Divorced Parents

The new year is around the corner, and many students or divorced parents are finalizing college applications. The college application process is already tough, but balancing it between two households is even more challenging. Typically, it is best for the children when the parents work together on these issues, but the court may be able […]
What About the Pets? Pets During Divorce in Illinois

Pets are an important part of any family. When it comes to divorce, what happens to a beloved pet should not be overlooked. Please note that this article refers specifically to companion animals and not service animals. Service animals will go with the individual who needs the service. Pet Custody for divorce in Illinois If […]
Can you get a divorce without going to court?

Divorce is many things: “simple” is not the first word that comes to mind. However, in California, a framework exists that allows parties with minimal assets AND minimal debts. Both people need a mutual desire to get divorced the ability to finalize everything without “going to court” having a hearing with both sides needing to […]
Meet Rosario Burgos Santoyo, Attorney at Law

Family law attorney Rosario Burgos Santoyo is the co-founder and partner at the Burgos, Santoyo, Smith Law Firm,.
Meet Gretel Smith, Attorney at Law

Attorney Gretel Smith is the co-founder and partner at the Burgos, Santoyo, Smith Law Firm, specializing in divorce and family law.