How to take a vacation when you share custody

In planning any upcoming vacation when you share custody, parents need to check their court orders regarding what they must do to take a vacation with their children. If parents have a good co-parenting relationship with the other parent, then they can communicate the requested vacations with specific details as to where and when. Parents […]
Navigating Custody Arrangements During Summer Break

There are a hundred and eighty days of the school year, and summer break accompanies children’s excitement. The annual problem for parents is finding a way to manage it before school starts in the fall. For co-parents, summer planning is more complicated because they must navigate the custody of children between two households, two parents’ […]
Can I get a divorce without going to court?

Are you interested in learning if you can get divorced without the expense and hassle of going in court in the state of California?
Meet Rosario Burgos Santoyo, Attorney at Law

Family law attorney Rosario Burgos Santoyo is the co-founder and partner at the Burgos, Santoyo, Smith Law Firm,.
Common Law Marriage in California?

Living Together But Aren’t Married, What Should I Expect From A Split Under California Law?
Meet Gretel Smith, Attorney at Law

Attorney Gretel Smith is the co-founder and partner at the Burgos, Santoyo, Smith Law Firm, specializing in divorce and family law.
Divorce Default Proceedings: My Ex Won’t Agree to a Divorce – What Do I Do?

What happens when a person fails to respond to divorce paperwork after being served? We explore the divorce default proceeding.
Property Basics – Community Property and Separate Property

How does California categorize the things I own into Community Property and Separate Property? We help you decode these family law terms.
New Year’s Resolutions: Make plans to succeed

With the new year comes renewed hope of finding the will to make positive change. It is the perfect opportunity to put something on your “to do” list you want to get done and nip procrastination in the bud. While good intentions are a key ingredient to making change, the most likely way to be […]
Moving with your kids when separated

This article helps you navigate the complexity of moving with kids when separated or are going through a divorce.